Legal Review Policies: A Focus on Contracts


In today's fast-paced business world, contracts are the backbone of transactions and relationships. They define the rights and obligations of parties, allocate risks, and provide a framework for resolving disputes. As such, it is essential to have a robust legal review policy in place to ensure that contracts are legally sound, enforceable, and in the best interests of the organisation. This article will provide an overview of legal review policies, with a focus on contracts. It will also offer practical tips to implement an effective policy.

What is a Legal Review Policy?

A legal review policy is a set of guidelines and procedures that an organisation follows to ensure that its legal documents, including contracts, are reviewed and approved by qualified people. The purpose of a legal review policy is to minimise legal risks, ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and protect the organisation's interests.

Why is a Legal Review Policy Important?

1. Minimising legal risks: A thorough legal review can identify potential legal risks and liabilities that may arise from a contract. By addressing these risks before the contract is finalised, an organisation can minimise its exposure to disputes, litigation, and financial losses.

2. Ensuring enforceability: A legally sound contract is more likely to be enforceable in court. A legal review can help ensure that a contract contains all the necessary elements to be considered legally binding and enforceable.

3. Compliance with laws and regulations: Organisations must comply with various laws and regulations that may impact their contracts. A legal review can help identify any potential compliance issues and suggest necessary modifications to ensure compliance.

4. Protecting the organisation's interests: A legal review can help ensure that a contract is in the organisation's best interests, with fair and balanced terms that protect the organisation's rights and interests.

Key Components of an Effective Legal Review Policy

1. Clear guidelines and procedures: An effective legal review policy should provide clear guidelines and procedures for the review and approval of contracts. This should include identifying the types of contracts that require legal review, the steps in the review process, and the individuals responsible for each step.

2. Qualified legal professionals: Ensure that your organisation has access to qualified legal professionals, either in-house or external, who have the necessary expertise and experience to review and approve contracts.

3. Timelines: Establish realistic timelines for the legal review process, taking into account the complexity of the contract and the availability of legal resources. This will help prevent delays in finalising contracts and allow parties to plan accordingly.

4. Training and education: Provide training and education to employees involved in the contracting process to ensure they understand the purpose and importance of the legal review policy, as well as their roles and responsibilities in the process.

5. Regular review and updates: Regularly review and update your legal review policy to ensure it remains current and effective in addressing the evolving legal landscape and the organisation's needs.

Practical Tips for Implementing a Legal Review Policy

1. Develop a standardised contract template: Utilising a standardised contract template that has been pre-approved by legal counsel can streamline the review process and minimise the need for extensive legal review of each individual contract.

2. Develop a standardised contracting process: Where a contract is being reviewed on a third party template, even though the contract is different each time the process should be consistent so that all your organisation's delegations of authority are followed appropriately

3. Prioritise contracts for review: Not all contracts pose the same level of risk or complexity. Establish a system for prioritising contracts for legal review based on factors such as the value of the contract, the potential risks involved, and the complexity of the terms.

4. Communicate the policy effectively: Ensure that employees understand the legal review policy and their roles and responsibilities in the process. Provide training and resources to support their understanding and compliance with the policy.

5. Monitor compliance: Establish a system for monitoring compliance with the legal review policy and addressing any deviations or non-compliance issues promptly.


Implementing a robust legal review policy is important for organisations to minimise legal risks, ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and protect their interests in contractual relationships. By developing clear guidelines and procedures, engaging qualified legal professionals, and providing training and resources to employees, organisations can effectively manage their contract review process and enhance their overall legal risk management.

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